Terms and conditions of sale
Effective from May 2023
1. Introduction
The present DOYE General Terms and Conditions of Sale (hereinafter referred to as "GTCS") apply to commercial relations between the
DOYE (trading as DOYE), a société par actions simplifiée (simplified joint stock company) with capital of 11,538.40 euros
registered in the Paris Trade and Companies Register under number 913 035 424, and having its registered office at
18 rue Vignon 75009 Paris, France (hereinafter referred to as "DOYE") and each of its Customers as identified in the Purchase Order (hereinafter referred to as the "Customer").
Order Form (hereinafter the "Customer").
These GCU define the rights and obligations of the parties for the provision and use of the Service.
Any use of the Service implies full acceptance of these GCU and the Doye Computer Agreement ("CAO").
AGREEMENT ("CAO"). In particular, when the Customer benefits from a POC, these GCU and CDA apply and are enforceable against the Customer for the duration of the POC.
Customer for the duration of the POC.
These GCU and the purchase order prevail over all other clauses appearing in any other contract or document, unless
prior written agreement of DOYE. If any clause of the GCU becomes unenforceable for any reason whatsoever, such clause shall be
clause will be modified to the strict minimum to become applicable. These GCU and the DPA are available at any time on the
www.qwoty.io website. They may be saved, printed and retained.
DOYE may be contacted with any questions or requests using the contact forms provided on its website
website or by post at the following address: DOYE - 18 rue Vignon 75009 Paris, France.
2. Definitions
Administrator" means any professional at least 18 years of age who has been authorized by the customer or another administrator to
administer and manage a user account.
Customer" means the legal entity that subscribes to the Service offered by DOYE and is represented by a natural person with
having the power to bind it contractually. The Customer has the possibility to activate accounts for multiple
and designate one or more Administrators, for whom the Customer is and remains responsible.
"Confidential Information" means all information, material and data of the Disclosing Party which (i) are
labeled or designated in writing as confidential or proprietary, (ii) the Receiving Party is informed that it is proprietary or confidential, or
confidential, or (iii) taking into account the nature of such information and/or the circumstances of its disclosure, the
Party knows or ought reasonably to know that it is confidential or proprietary. Confidential information
include, but are not limited to, the terms and conditions of this Agreement, the price of the license granted to the Customer under this Agreement, the services and the information provided by the Customer to the Receiving Party.
services and software, your data and all information relating to business plans, marketing plans, customers
marketing plans, customers, technology, employee and organizational information, product designs,
product plans and financial information of the party disclosing the Confidential Information.
"License" means the license to use the DOYE Platform.
"Agreement" or "Agreement" means these general terms and conditions together with any annexes and amendments thereto, the DPA and
any relevant purchase order.
Order Form" means the Order Form sent by DOYE to the Customer and specifying in particular the price per license and the terms and conditions of provision of the Service.
license and the terms of provision of the Service, which must be sent by the Customer to DOYE dated and signed.
POC" refers to the Customer's trial period of the Service.
Price per license" means the price agreed between DOYE and Customer for the provision of a license in the order form.
order form.
Service" refers to all services offered by DOYE.
User Account" is the account created by the Customer and assigned to the User for the use of the Service.
A "User" is any professional of at least 18 years of age authorized to use the Service by the Customer or a
Customer's Administrator. Use of the Service by the User is under the sole responsibility of the Customer.
3. Service description
DOYE provides a Platform to help sellers improve the B2B buying experience through a shared space between
a company and its prospect/customer/partner - used by sellers or designated individuals within the
Platform to facilitate the monitoring of business opportunities and customer portfolios (hereinafter the "Services").
A presentation of the Service and its functionalities is available at https://www.qwoty.io.
DOYE grants the Customer, in consideration of full acceptance of these TOU and payment of the price, the right and authorization to use the Services.
the right and authorization to use the Service in the manner and for the number of licenses and duration specified in the
order form.
As part of the use of the Service, DOYE grants the Customer access to the Service including the designation, addition or deletion of User Accounts or the use of the Service.
deletion of User or Administrator Accounts, and the ability to configure certain features of the
Service features.
4. Conditions d’abonnement
4.1 Pour souscrire au Service, le Client doit renvoyer le Bon de commande daté et signé. En signant le Bon de
commande, le Client signe et accepte également les présentes CGU et l’Accord sur le traitement des données de
DOYE (« ATD »).
Le client déclare et garantit qu’il a la pleine capacité juridique ou qu’il dispose de l’autorisation de la personne habilitée à
engager le client ; il s’engage à justifier de son identité juridique et de sa capacité à agir et à représenter le client à première
demande de DOYE, en produisant des pièces justificatives (telles que extrait k-bis, pièce d’identité, pouvoirs, etc.)
L’activation du compte du Client est à la discrétion de DOYE, qui se réserve notamment le droit de ne pas activer le Compte
du Client, par exemple en cas de doute sur l’identité ou la capacité à engager le Client, de déclarations inexactes, de refus de
fournir les documents demandés.
En cas de déclarations inexactes du Client lors de son inscription, et à défaut de régularisation dans un délai de 8 (huit) jours
après notification par tout moyen (y compris par courrier électronique) de DOYE, cette dernière pourra résilier de plein droit
le Compte du Client et le(s) Compte(s) d’Utilisateur/Administrateur ouvert(s) par ce dernier et ainsi mettre un terme
définitif à la fourniture du Service, tel que défini par l’article 13.
4.2. L’administrateur peut créer une ou plusieurs licences qui sont soumises à la tarification décrite à l’article 7 des
présentes CGU.
Le client reconnaît et accepte que l’administrateur puisse à tout moment ajouter plus de licences que le nombre convenu
avec DOYE dans le bon de commande. Les licences ajoutées sont soumises à la tarification décrite à l’article 7 des présentes
Le Client déclare et garantit que l’Administrateur a la pleine capacité juridique ou dispose de l’autorisation de la personne
habilitée à engager le Client ; il s’engage à justifier de son identité juridique et de sa capacité à agir et à représenter le Client
à première demande de DOYE, en produisant des pièces justificatives (telles que l’extrait k-bis, pièce d’identité,
accréditations, etc.)
L’Utilisateur doit saisir un email et un mot de passe personnels et sécurisés, qui constituent ses identifiants permettant son
accès et son utilisation du Service.
Le compte utilisateur de chaque utilisateur ne peut être utilisé que par cet utilisateur. Le partage et l’utilisation mutualisée du
compte utilisateur ne sont pas autorisés.
Tout accès et toute utilisation du service par le client ou à partir de ses comptes utilisateurs sont réputés être effectués par le
Le Client est responsable de la conservation, de la confidentialité et de l’utilisation des éléments d’identification permettant
l’accès au Service et aux Comptes Utilisateurs, et sera responsable de toute utilisation du Service faite avec ces identifiants
dont il est présumé responsable. Il appartient au Client de mettre en place les mesures nécessaires à la protection de ces
données, étant précisé que DOYE recommande au Client de changer régulièrement de mot de passe.
Si le client a des raisons de penser qu’une personne non autorisée utilise ses éléments d’identification ou ses comptes, il
doit en informer immédiatement DOYE afin d’obtenir de nouveaux codes, sachant que DOYE ne peut être tenue
responsable en cas de divulgation à des tiers de ces données et des conséquences d’une telle divulgation.
Enfin, le Client reconnaît qu’il est seul responsable de tout dommage qui pourrait résulter de l’utilisation du Service à partir
de son compte ou de ses comptes d’utilisateurs.
4.3. Le Client peut à tout moment modifier en ligne ses informations et les paramètres de son compte et de ses
comptes utilisateurs.
Le Client garantit que les données qu’il communique sont exactes et conformes à la réalité. Il s’engage à les mettre à jour
régulièrement et à informer DOYE sans délai en cas de modification des données communiquées lors de son inscription et,
le cas échéant, à procéder à ces modifications.
4.4 POC
Le client peut bénéficier, à la discrétion de DOYE, d’un POC. Un tel POC sera expressément prévu et décrit (notamment la
durée du POC) dans le bon de commande ou tout autre document émis par DOYE à cet égard.
Dans certaines circonstances et avec l’accord préalable de DOYE, la durée du POC peut être prolongée. Un bon de
commande modifié doit être émis et renvoyé daté et signé. Sauf accord contraire, la prolongation se fera dans les mêmes
conditions que le POC initial et pour la même durée.
5. Use of the service
The use of the Service, its characteristics and its results are the sole responsibility of the Customer.
The Customer undertakes to use the Service in accordance with these GCU and in compliance with applicable regulations.
The Customer and Users undertake not to use any device or software with the aim of disrupting or attempting to
disrupt the proper functioning of the Service, in particular by imposing a disproportionate load on DOYE's servers and
infrastructure. They also agree not to (i) use the Services in a manner that infringes, misappropriates or
violate the rights of any person (including, without limitation, copyrights, trade secrets, contractual rights
privacy or personal data); (ii) reverse assemble,
(ii) reverse assemble, compile, decompile, translate or otherwise attempt to discover the source code or underlying components of the Service's models, algorithms and systems, or any part thereof (except to the extent that such restrictions are
contrary to applicable law).
In the event that DOYE is held liable for any breach by the Customer of its legal obligations or of the obligations
obligations, the Customer agrees to indemnify and hold DOYE harmless from and against any and all claims
and to pay all legal costs, indemnities and attorney's fees.
6. Duration of agreement
The Customer subscribes to the Service for the commitment period indicated in the Purchase Order. At the end of its term, the
Contract is tacitly renewable for successive periods equivalent to the commitment period indicated in the
the Purchase Order.
In the case of a CEP granted by DOYE, the customer is automatically committed at the end of the duration of the CEP, unless terminated
in accordance with article 13. Consequently, the initial commitment period begins at the end of the duration of the
of the CEP.
Either party may notify the other of its intention not to renew the contract by letter with acknowledgement of receipt
sent at least one (1) month before the end of the commitment period.
7. Prices
The price depends on the number of licenses, the price per license, the commitment period and, if applicable, the price of the POC.
Subject to the amount indicated on the order form, the license price is 89 euros (excl. VAT) per month.
The price per license, the applicable initial price and the initial POC price are indicated on the order form signed by the customer.
The prices indicated on the order form include any discounts, rebates and discounts that DOYE may grant to the customer.
to the customer.
The customer accepts and acknowledges that the addition of any new license during the course of the contract will result in an increase of the initial applicable price and will be subject to the period of validity of the license.
and will be subject to the remaining period until the end of the current commitment period.
The Customer accepts and acknowledges that the addition of any new license(s) during the course of the contract will result in an increase in the applicable initial price, without any obligation on the part of the Customer to pay for such license(s).
applicable initial price, without the need to sign a new purchase order, and will be subject to the period
remaining until the end of the current commitment period.
The price per license for any new license will be the same as that indicated in the initial order form,
regardless of the number of licenses added.
In accordance with article 4 of these GCU, the customer accepts and acknowledges that the administrator may add
additional licenses directly from his administrator account without having to modify the order form.
order form.
The price per license indicated on the order form cannot be renegotiated before the end of the commitment period.
In the event of an increase in the Price per License after the initial commitment period, this will be communicated to the Customer
at least two (2) months before the automatic renewal of the Contract, by a message sent to the Customer's
address. Non-cancellation of the Service and its automatic renewal shall constitute acceptance of the new prices by the Customer.
acceptance of the new prices.
8. Paiement et facturation
8.1. Moyens de paiement
8.1.1 Le Service est fourni au Client en contrepartie du paiement de la redevance annuelle ou mensuelle indiquée
dans le Bon de commande. Dans le cas d’un POC, le paiement intégral du POC est effectué au début du POC.
Le paiement peut être effectué via STRIPE (solution de paiement par virement bancaire) ou par virement bancaire direct
sur le compte bancaire de DOYE.
Lorsque le client bénéficie d’un paiement annuel, le client transfère la redevance annuelle sur le compte bancaire de DOYE
selon les coordonnées bancaires figurant sur la facture envoyée au client.
Lorsque le client bénéficie d’un paiement mensuel, les frais mensuels font l’objet d’un prélèvement automatique à la
date de la facture mensuelle. Le client est tenu de payer à DOYE l’intégralité du prix.
Les sommes perçues par DOYE sont irrémédiablement acquises. Elles ne peuvent faire l’objet d’un remboursement, sauf
dans les circonstances décrites à l’article 13.2.
En cas d’ajout de licences, le prix correspondant sera proratisé jusqu’à la prochaine facture annuelle ou mensuelle. Une
facture spécifique sera émise pour prendre en compte les licences ajoutées. Ensuite, le prix dû aux licences ajoutées sera
intégré dans les factures annuelles ou mensuelles suivantes.
8.1.2 Tous les honoraires dus et payables par le client à DOYE en vertu du contrat doivent être payés intégralement sans
aucune déduction, compensation, demande reconventionnelle ou retenue de quelque nature que ce soit, à moins que la loi
ne l’exige. Tous les frais dus et payables en vertu du contrat s’entendent hors taxes, qui seront ajoutées au taux en vigueur
de temps à autre. Lorsque le client s’inscrit à un plan mensuel payant, il accepte de payer et d’assumer la responsabilité de
tous les frais engagés conformément au plan choisi.
8.1.3 En cas de refus de paiement, de rejet de paiement ou de non-paiement des redevances dues, le Client sera
informé de cette absence de paiement par un message envoyé à son adresse électronique de contact. DOYE se réserve le
droit de suspendre ou de résilier l’accès au Service si le Client n’a pas régularisé son paiement dans un délai de deux (2)
semaines à compter de l’envoi de ce message, sans que cela ne puisse en aucun cas constituer un préjudice pour le Client.
Les comptes suspendus par DOYE ne donneront droit à aucun remboursement au profit du Client. Les comptes suspendus
resteront facturés au client pendant le reste de la période d’engagement.
Le service peut être rétabli, à la discrétion de DOYE, lorsque le client a payé toutes les factures en suspens.
Il est expressément indiqué que les factures impayées restent dues et que DOYE se réserve le droit de procéder au
recouvrement forcé de ses factures impayées.
Aucune demande d’indemnisation ne sera acceptée en cas de suspension temporaire ou définitive du service pour refus
de paiement, rejet de paiement ou non-paiement.
L’utilisation de la solution de paiement STRIPE est soumise à ses propres conditions d’utilisation, ainsi qu’à la
réglementation française relative à la lutte contre le blanchiment des capitaux et le financement du terrorisme. Le Client est
informé et accepte que les informations et données relatives à la transaction effectuée via ces solutions de paiement
puissent être transmises aux autorités compétentes.
8.2. Factures
Les factures sont émises au début de chaque période de paiement (POC, annuelle, ou mensuelle si le client bénéficie d’un
paiement mensuel).
En cas d’ajout de licences, une facture est immédiatement envoyée au client. Le paiement
est dû à la réception de la facture.
La facturation est effectuée sur la base des données systématiquement enregistrées par DOYE. Ces données constituent la
preuve de l’utilisation du Service par le Client et il appartient à ce dernier d’informer DOYE sans délai de tout changement
d’adresse ou de coordonnées bancaires.
Toutes les factures émises sont dues, même en cas de suspension du Service par DOYE suite à un impayé du Client.
DOYE tient les informations relatives à la facturation à la disposition du client par l’envoi d’une notification
8.3. Retard de paiement
En cas de retard de paiement d’une ou plusieurs factures, le client sera redevable de pénalités de retard sans qu’un rappel
soit nécessaire.
Le taux d’intérêt applicable dans ce cas sera le taux directeur semestriel de la Banque centrale européenne en vigueur au
1er janvier ou au 1er juillet, majoré de 10 points, sans que ce taux puisse être inférieur à trois fois le taux d’intérêt légal.
Une indemnité forfaitaire de 40 € sera également due pour frais de recouvrement, étant précisé que DOYE se réserve le
droit de réclamer une indemnité complémentaire en cas de recours à un professionnel chargé des rappels, des mises en
demeure et, d’une manière générale, du recouvrement de ses factures.
8.4. Different
En cas de contestation des sommes facturées par DOYE au titre de l’utilisation du Service, le Client doit notifier par lettre
recommandée avec accusé de réception dans un délai de trente (30) jours à compter de la date d’émission de la facture, en
indiquant le numéro de la facture sur laquelle porte la contestation.
Le client reste redevable du paiement dans l’attente d’un résultat. En cas de réduction de la facture contestée, DOYE émettra
un avoir au profit du client qui sera déduit de la facture suivante après accord entre les parties.
9. Taxes
All prices indicated in these GCU are in euros and exclude taxes or VAT.
10. Warranty and liability
10.1. Warranty
DOYE warrants that: (i) it will perform the Services in accordance with the DPA signed with the Customer, (ii) it will provide the Services
in a professional manner in accordance with recognized industry standards and good business practices;
(iii) it will comply with all applicable laws, and will be duly authorized to provide the Services; and (iv) it has the authority and right to enter into this Agreement and to perform the Services.
right to enter into this Agreement and to observe and perform its respective obligations contained herein.
DOYE is bound by an obligation of means with respect to the provision of the service; in particular, DOYE does not guarantee that
that the service and its results correspond to the customer's needs.
DOYE shall in no event be liable for any consequential damages, including but not limited to loss of time,
sales, loss or alteration of data on the part of the Customer, related to the use of the Service or to any
malfunction of the Service.
The Customer waives the right to hold DOYE responsible for the functioning and operation of the Service, and in particular for
momentary interruptions of the Service for the updating of certain files, operational difficulties or
momentary interruption of the independent Service.
The Customer understands and acknowledges that any material information or data downloaded or in any case obtained
through the use of the Service is done so at the Customer's own risk, and that the Customer is solely responsible for any damage to the Customer's computer system or loss of data resulting from the use of the Service.
system or any loss of data resulting from such a problem. No information or advice, whether oral or written
obtained by the Customer from DOYE or its team shall create any additional warranty.
Customer warrants that (i) it will comply with all applicable laws; and (ii) it has the authority and the right to enter into this
and to observe and perform its respective obligations contained herein. The Customer expressly
expressly acknowledges that it uses the service at its own risk and that it is familiar with the features and operation of the following
following elements
the Internet network and its inherent limitations.
10.2. Limitation of Liability
In no event shall DOYE, its suppliers, employees or subcontractors be liable for any incidental, consequential
incident, specific or consequential damages resulting from misuse or lack of experience
in the use of the Service or its results.
11. Changes and Updates
DOYE reserves the right to add, modify or delete features of the Service, DOYE may also
make any corrections it deems necessary to the Service.
User must always use the latest version of the Service and may not request access to earlier versions.
DOYE reserves the right to modify the terms of use and these TOU at any time. The Customer will be informed of these
by email (sent to the Administrator's email address) or on the www.qwoty.io website or on the DOYE commercial
commercial conversational analysis platform, as determined by DOYE in its sole discretion.
All modifications to the TOS shall apply to the Customer, even if the Customer registered prior to the modification,
eight (8) days after the information has been communicated to him. In the event that the updated GCU should cause the Customer
prejudice the Customer and the modification is not required by applicable laws, regulations, directives, guidelines or
by applicable laws, regulations, directives, guidelines or decisions of a European data protection authority or a court decision, the Customer shall inform
DOYE of his objection and the reason for it within eight (8) days of the communication of the information. If
the Parties fail to reach agreement within thirty (30) days of receipt of the Customer's objection, the Customer
may terminate the Service affected by the change without penalty by written notice to DOYE. Any use of the Service
after Customer's notification shall be deemed Customer's acceptance of the updated TOU.
12. Service continuity
The service may be temporarily interrupted for reasons of maintenance, updates or technical
improvements, or to modify content and/or presentation. DOYE will endeavor to inform the customer with advance notice
prior to maintenance or updates whenever possible. DOYE maintains the service
service and makes its best technical efforts to schedule the necessary system downtime during off-peak hours and to
to avoid service interruptions and delays. The service is designed
to be available with minimum disruption outside regularly scheduled maintenance periods.
scheduled maintenance periods.
DOYE makes reasonable efforts to maintain maximum availability and quality of service; DOYE cannot, however
however, cannot guarantee that the service will operate uninterrupted and/or error-free.
The availability and quality of the Service depend on the quality of the Customer's and the User's Internet connection, the availability of an adequate power supply and the availability of a reliable Internet connection.
availability of an adequate power supply and the use of the correct equipment configuration, over which
over which DOYE has no control.
The Customer may notify DOYE of any incident relating to the provision of the Service by e-mail to the following address
DOYE undertakes to do its utmost, with the possible assistance of the Customer, to deal with the incident as soon as possible.
13. Termination of business
13.1. At the customer's initiative :
In accordance with the provisions of article 6, the customer may terminate the contract, without cause, by giving one (1) month's notice before the end of the contract period.
month prior to the end of the commitment period.
In accordance with the provisions of article 6, the customer may terminate the CEP, without cause, before the end of the CEP term,
by e-mail.
In the event of early termination not in compliance with these GCU, if the Customer is on a monthly payment plan, the Customer will be
be liable to pay DOYE an early termination fee, the amount of which will be equal to the average of the last three invoices
invoices (or failing that, the amount of the last invoice). This amount will be multiplied by the number of months remaining
remaining until the end of the Customer's initial commitment period. In the event of early termination not in compliance with the
these GCU, if the Customer has an annual payment, the Customer remains liable for the full Price.
13.2. At DOYE's initiative:
In accordance with the provisions of article 6, DOYE may terminate the contract, without cause, with a notice period of one
(1) month prior to the end of the contract period.
In accordance with the provisions of article 8, DOYE may terminate the contract, if the customer fails to meet its payment obligations.
payment obligations. In this case, if the customer has a monthly payment plan, he/she will owe DOYE an early termination fee equal to the amount of the monthly payment.
equal to the average of the last three invoices (or failing that, the amount of the last invoice).
last invoice). This amount will be multiplied by the number of months remaining until the end of the Customer's commitment period.
commitment period. When the Customer benefits from an annual payment, he remains liable for the full Price.
DOYE reserves the right to suspend access to a customer's account and to terminate the contract without delay if it considers that the
does not comply with these TOS or uses the service in a manner detrimental to himself or to third parties. In
this case, DOYE will reimburse the Customer for the subscription price already paid on a pro rata basis for the remaining period, without any further
compensation of any kind to the Customer.
14. Propriété intellectuelle – Indemnisation
14.1. Les présentes CGU et l’utilisation du Service n’emportent aucune cession ou transfert au profit du Client des droits
de propriété intellectuelle de DOYE sur le Service et, plus généralement, sur l’ensemble des éléments et contenus
constituant DOYE.
Toute reproduction ou utilisation non autorisée par le Client de tout ou partie du Service et de ses éléments (contenus,
algorithmes, codes sources, logos, etc.) sans l’autorisation de DOYE constituerait un acte de contrefaçon et serait poursuivie
devant les juridictions civiles ou pénales.
En contrepartie du paiement du Prix, le Client est toutefois autorisé, dans le cadre d’une licence exclusive, gratuite et
illimitée, à utiliser
les résultats de l’utilisation du service, et notamment les analyses et résultats résultant de l’exploitation des enregistrements.
14.2. DOYE défendra, indemnisera et dégagera de toute responsabilité le client et ses dirigeants, administrateurs,
employés, actionnaires, agents, représentants légaux, filiales, affiliés, successeurs et ayants droit de toute réclamation,
action, demande ou procédure de la part d’un tiers (collectivement « Réclamations ») entraînant une responsabilité, des
dommages directs, des coûts, des pertes ou des dépenses, y compris
les frais de justice et les honoraires raisonnables d’avocat, ainsi que les amendes et pénalités imposées par toute entité
gouvernementale (collectivement les « pertes ») dans la mesure où elles résultent (a) de la violation ou de l’appropriation
illicite des droits de propriété intellectuelle d’un tiers par les services. Si une perte est jugée par un tribunal compétent
comme n’ayant été causée qu’en partie par DOYE, alors sa responsabilité en vertu des présentes ne sera que le montant
attribuable à sa faute.
Nonobstant ce qui précède, DOYE n’aura aucune responsabilité au titre de cette section dans la mesure où une violation
alléguée des droits de propriété intellectuelle découle (i) de l’utilisation des services et/ou du logiciel de DOYE en
combinaison avec d’autres équipements ou logiciels non fournis ou approuvés par DOYE par écrit, si une telle réclamation
aurait été évitée sans cette utilisation combinée ; (ii) toute modification du Service effectuée par le Client ou tout autre
tiers non approuvée par DOYE par écrit ou autorisée en vertu du présent contrat ; (iii) le défaut d’installation par le Client
de toute mise à jour logicielle fournie par DOYE ; (iv) l’utilisation des Services DOYE d’une manière autre que celle permise
ou autorisée en vertu du présent contrat. Dans le cas où le droit du client de continuer à utiliser les services est
susceptible d’être interdit, à la seule discrétion de DOYE, DOYE peut (A) tenter d’obtenir le droit pour le client de
continuer à utiliser les services a ; ou (B) remplacer ou modifier les Services afin qu’ils ne soient plus en infraction mais
fonctionnent de manière substantiellement équivalente ou (C) si ni (A) ni (B) ne sont commercialement réalisables, DOYE
aura le droit de résilier ce contrat et, dans un délai de trente (30) jours, de retourner toutes les informations et données
confidentielles au client, et de rembourser au client tous les frais non gagnés, le cas échéant, pour les Services non encore
14.3. Le client s’engage à défendre, indemniser et dégager de toute responsabilité DOYE et ses dirigeants,
administrateurs, employés, actionnaires, agents, représentants légaux, filiales, sociétés affiliées, successeurs et ayants
droit de toute réclamation entraînant des pertes dans la mesure où elles résultent d’une réclamation selon laquelle les
données du client enfreignent ou détournent les droits de propriété intellectuelle d’une tierce partie.
14.4. La partie qui demande à être indemnisée en vertu du présent contrat : (i) notifier rapidement par écrit la
réclamation à la partie indemnisante, (ii) confier à la partie indemnisante le contrôle de la défense et du règlement de la
réclamation, et (iii) coopérer avec la partie indemnisante dans la défense ou le règlement de la réclamation. La partie
indemnisée a le droit de participer à ses propres frais à toute action d’indemnisation ou aux négociations de règlement y
afférentes en faisant appel à un conseil de son choix. Aucune des parties ne peut consentir à l’inscription d’un jugement
ou conclure un règlement qui porte atteinte aux droits ou aux intérêts de l’autre partie sans l’accord écrit préalable de
cette dernière, qui ne peut être refusé de manière déraisonnable.
15. GDPR - Promotional communications
By entering into the attached order form and these general terms and conditions, the parties accept and acknowledge that they also accept and enter into the attached DOYE Data Processing Agreement ("DPA").
also acknowledge that they accept and enter into the attached DOYE Data Processing Agreement ("DPA").
In the course of using the Site and providing the Service, DOYE may collect and process certain personal data relating to the Customer or provided by the Customer.
personal data relating to the Customer or provided by the Customer.
DOYE acts as a data controller within the meaning of the RGPD for the processing of personal data
that it implements as part of its direct contractual relationship with the Customer, and in particular for the collection and
processing of data identifying the Customer or its employees or agents and useful for the provision and billing of the
DOYE acts as a processor within the meaning of the RGPD for the processing of personal data that it
carries out at the request and on behalf of the Customer in connection with the latter's use of the Service.
For more information on the use of personal data, please refer to the privacy policy of
DOYE privacy policy available at https://qwoty.io/legals/privacyet to the applicable DPA.
Customer agrees that DOYE may provide Customer with information relating to the operation and development of the Service. Customer agrees
agrees that DOYE may send information for promotional purposes, by e-mail or through a newsletter.
newsletter. At any time, the customer may ask DOYE to stop receiving information for promotional purposes.
promotional purposes. The opt-out request can be made by e-mail or by simply clicking on a link in the message.
in the message.
The Customer authorizes DOYE to use the Customer's name and/or logo as a commercial reference free of charge for the duration of the contract.
duration of the contract, in particular on https://qwoty.io/et on social networks.
16. Non-disclosure of confidential information
During the term of this contract and for a period of four (4) years after its termination (with the exception of
trade secrets, which shall remain confidential so long as they are trade secrets, and obligations of confidentiality
confidentiality obligations required by applicable law), each party (the "Receiving Party") receiving Confidential Information
information (as defined in Article 2) from the other party (the "Disclosing Party") will not use such information, other than in the
in connection with the provision or receipt of the Services, nor disclose it to any person other than the officers,
employees, contractors or representatives of the Receiving Party who have a need to know for the purposes of this Agreement
who are subject to confidentiality obligations no less stringent than the provisions of this Agreement
("Representatives"), any Confidential Information disclosed to the Receiving Party by or on behalf of the Disclosing Party.
behalf. The receiving party will protect the disclosure of such confidential information to the same extent as the receiving party protects its own confidential information.
the receiving party protects its own confidential information of a similar nature, but in any event it will, as a
at least exercise reasonable care. Each party is responsible for any breach of its obligations of confidentiality
confidentiality and non-use obligations by its representatives. Notwithstanding the foregoing, either party may disclose the terms and conditions
notwithstanding the foregoing, either party may disclose the terms and conditions of this agreement in connection with the due diligence requirements of a proposed merger,
acquisition, financing or securities transaction, provided that the parties receiving such confidential information
confidential information are subject to confidentiality obligations that are no less stringent than the terms of this
present contract. At the request of the disclosing party, the receiving party will promptly return to the disclosing party
or destroy, by certifying in writing to the disclosing party the destruction of such confidential information, the disclosing party's
confidential information of the disclosing party in its possession or control.
These obligations of confidentiality do not apply to information which (i) is or becomes public without the
party or its representatives; (ii) was in the possession of the receiving party prior to the time it was
party prior to the time it was received from the disclosing party or came into the possession of the
thereafter, in each case lawfully obtained from a source other than the disclosing party or its representatives
party or its representatives and not subject to any obligation of confidentiality or restriction on use; (iii) is to be disclosed
disclosed pursuant to a judicial, arbitral or governmental order or proceeding, or by operation of law,
in which case the receiving party will, unless prohibited by law, inform the disclosing party of the disclosure obligation
disclosure prior to making such disclosure and will comply with any protective order or other restriction on disclosure
obtained by the disclosing party; or (iv) is independently developed by the receiving party
without reference to the Disclosing Party's Confidential Information.
Any use or disclosure of the Disclosing Party's Confidential Information in a manner inconsistent with the
the provisions of this agreement may cause irreparable damage to the disclosing party for which remedies
other than injunctive relief may be inadequate, and both parties agree that the disclosing party may seek injunctive
injunctive or other equitable relief to restrain such use or disclosure.
17. Force majeure
DOYE and the customer will not be considered to be in default in the event of non-performance of their contractual
contractual obligations is the result of force majeure as defined by article 1218 of the French Civil Code.
In the event of force majeure :
- the obligations of the party invoking them are suspended, without the latter being held liable, even in the event of force majeure.
even in the event of loss, damage, delay, non-performance or partial performance resulting directly or indirectly from a force majeure.
directly or indirectly due to force majeure ;
- each party shall take reasonable steps to minimize disruption caused by force majeure.
If an event of force majeure prevents either party from performing an essential obligation of the contract for a period
a period of more than thirty (30) days, either party may terminate the contract by registered letter,
without compensation to either party.
18. Assignment of Contract
DOYE has the right to assign this contract with the Customer, particularly in the event of the sale or transfer of all or part of its business and/or assets.
of its business and/or assets.
The Customer must obtain the prior written consent of DOYE before assigning or transferring this contract, including intra-group.
19. Entire Agreement - Independence of Clauses
These T&C constitute the entire agreement between the parties and supersede all prior discussions,
proposals and agreements between the parties relating to the same subject matter.
If any provision of these T&Cs is found to be void, invalid or unenforceable, the remaining provisions shall remain valid and unchanged and shall continue in full force and effect.
unchanged and shall continue to apply in their entirety.
20. Applicable law - Dispute
The contractual relationship between DOYE and the Customer is governed by French law.
Failing amicable settlement, any dispute relating to the existence, validity, interpretation, execution and/or termination of these
shall be submitted to the Commercial Court of Paris, even in the case of summary proceedings, third-party proceedings or multiple defendants.
21. Communication between the parties
Registered letters should be sent to DOYE at the following address: DOYE SAS, 18 rue vignon, 75009 Paris
Registered letters must be accompanied by an e-mail to the following addresses:
emmanuel@qwoty.io The customer's contact e-mail address is that indicated on the order form. It is the Customer's responsibility to notify DOYE of any change of contact email address.